WOW! Bookmarks

Words of worth (WOW) are discovered while reading.  As well, it is nice to have a record and summary of the book.  While my scans below are of horrible quality – I was pressed for time – they will help you to visualize the simplicity and purpose of the bookmark itself.  The bookmark files are in color.  I printed from my laser printer in black and white.  If nothing else, I hope that it sparks some ideas of your own!

Before you begin, print and cut a bookmark.  Write the title of the book in the space provided on the bookmark.  As you read, you will find words that are unknown or words that you consider worth noting.  Write these words on the bookmark front with the page number that indicates where the word can be found in the book.  When you are finished reading, write a blurb, short introductory summary, for the book.  On the front of the bookmark there are five stars.  On a scale of one, being your least favorite book, to five, being your most favorite, color in the stars to indicate how well you liked the book that you read.

If you are using a WOW! box for vocabulary, transfer some, or all, of your words to your box.  Store your bookmark.

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Filed under Language Arts

2 responses to “WOW! Bookmarks

  1. Wonderful!!! This is literally JUST the thing I was looking for! Thanks!

  2. Pingback: Week of 10/09/2011 | The Learning Trunk

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